The assignment "3 questions" was based on Father Himes video and the 3 questions I answered were: What gives me joy? Reflecting on what brings me joy brought up a few things for me and that is Seeing my daughter reach for her goal and achieve it, especially when she was so worried she wouldn't succeed. The plaque I gave her sums it up beautifully, It says, "What if I fail, Oh darling, what if you fly". She flew and that brought me joy! The things that bring me joy are my daughter, helping where I needed, and accomplishing things that I never thought possible. What am I good at? I am good at navigating through uncertain times and crisis situations, I have been blessed with the gift of keeping calm, on the spot solutions to diffuse the situation, and damage control. My answers on one of our career assessments gave me a high score on Emergency Director which was a surprise at first, however after thinking it through I can understand.
What does the world need me to do? My reflection on this question brought me to this, " the world needs me to do what brings me joy so I can bring joy to the world". What brings me joy is also helping others to thrive, and live their best life!